
Anoplastic glioma multiform - need advice

Dear friends, My sister has 3 kids (41 years) in May 2017 was diagnosed in Anoplastic multiform glioma. Pathology report shows: MGMT – Non methylated IDH1 (R132) negativ (IHC) PCR signal unmethylierte sequenz – positiv PCR signal methylierte sequenz – negativ ATRX: partieller Verlust (IHC) H3K27M: negativ (IHC) From August 2017 she got Temodal for 3 months (7 days in, 7 days off). growing continue. In November she got Avastin + Ironatecan growing continue December: just Avastin Now she is getting: Kepra 3000 Vimpat 100 Dexamethason 8 mg Vitamin C, B, D L-Carnitin+Lymphdiaral Boswellia serrata Unizink Kytta Sedativu RSO – 0,5 a day Ajurvedic treatment Plan to have Optune in 10 days. So far we cant stop the growth. Can you please advice useful protocol/treatment plan which can help stop tumor grow? Many thanks   in advance.